Sunday, April 28, 2019

Because I'm so freaking tired...

Warning:  Gonna sound selfish and whiney... but hear me out.

I am so tired of not doing anything for ME.

I have read countless articles on the importance of self care.

The importance of "me time" --- even if it's five minutes!

The importance of wellness... etc.

Heck, I've even read a few books on it!   But between my buddy Dan and Rachel Hollis.... I'm done.  I'm seriously done with putting other people before myself. 

This doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore my family.

This doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore my friends.

This means that I need to focus on ME and MY well-being and in turn I feel I'll be a better person.  A better mom.  A better wife.  A better friend.  A better teacher.

So I used my hair money this weekend and I treated myself.   I bought myself actual sneakers.  REAL sneakers.   Can I just tell you that this entire winter - I wore flip flops?   Yup.   I did.   First off, I love flip flops.   So this isn't like some sort of sad sad story... but I never invested in a quality shoe for work.   Secondly, I wore boots/closed shoe into work, but when I got there... flip flops.   When I get to the gym, I have a pair of bobo's.   Not the best shoe for the gym.    Why have I always felt guilty spending money on me for me!?!?!  Always.   I don't even know why that is.   I can't even tell you when the last time was that I had my nails did.   And don't even get me started on other things I haven't done for myself.

So here are my $155 shoes I scored for $39.99 at the Columbia Outlet in Lancaster, PA.

And with the use of a referral code, a coupon code, and a Mother's Day discount... this beast will be making its appearance in my kitchen sometime soon.

I am sure that in a few hours I'm going to regret the Blender purchase until it arrives and I start making some super healthy shit for me to eat because oh yea... I rarely ever have a breakfast and lunch is something that happens .... sometimes.

Operation Buff LeLe in effect.

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